25 January 2024

Mobile application for product knowledge for medical representatives

Client – pharmaceutical company​

Client’s Need

  • The need for rapid delivery of product knowledge to medical representatives in an on-demand model.
  •  Knowledge resources in a modern, attractive format, not only in terms of functionality but also visually. 
  • Providing knowledge tests as part of ad-hoc training processes and in a model of voluntary knowledge checking. 
  • The possibility of constant and intuitive construction and updating of knowledge and test modules by the product training department (without the involvement of external suppliers)

Proposed Solution​

  • Responsive educational environment based on skills@work
  • Flexible user account management. 
  • Quick and intuitive creation of a product knowledge library by content editors. 
  • Various electronic formats such as PDF, video, audio, graphic files. 
  • Ability to publish resources in an open model and within selective paths. 
  • Creation of dedicated product paths by individuals responsible for the sales of a specific line of drugs. 
  • Test module managed by the product training department. 
  • Reporting, monitoring on demand.

Achieved results 

  • Since the launch of the application, the number of people using the provided resources increased by 47% compared to the number of people who used traditional trainings and product presentations published on the company’s LMS platform during the first quarter of its use. 
  • A survey conducted to evaluate the application among its users showed that 79% of the respondents among all medical representatives positively rated the new knowledge platform. 
  • 71% pointed out mobility as an advantage – the ability to access resources at a time of their choice on tablets.
  • 68% of respondents indicated the high attractiveness of materials and interface, as well as the ease of searching for information

Work is underway to launch the English and German versions of the application and resources for the EU market.​


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